Townhall Times

Voices of Oppressed

National Convention on Caste Census  to be held in Delhi

Townhall Times ,

A Group of Civil Society is going to conduct the National Convention on Caste Census , which is very important   and indispensible tool to draft , design the national development policy and Programme

The release   and statement  issued by  Convener  of the Convention   says that ,75 years journey of constitutional state India is going to complete on 26th January 2025. Our constitution makers and statesmen with a preamble handed over the constitution to the nation as ” THE PEOPLE OF INDIA , having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a Sovereign Democratic Republic and to secure to all the citizens ; JUSTICE( social economic political) LIBERTY EQUALITY FRATERNITY  , though later on by 42 constitution amendment SOCIALIST AND SECULAR words are incorporated . The preamble of the constitution is the outline of the objectives to reach the goals.                                                                       


Friends , till the Indian social structures  is completely based on caste system, majority peoples are facing gross  injustice inequality with out liberty and   fraternity . The state machinery also controlled , rule  and governed by the privileged caste class groups of peoples as beneficiaries of Indian social system. The peoples of India ( The Scheduled castes ,Tribes Other Backward Classes , Religious minorities groups ethnic groups and other marginalised people ) demand to the Government of India to take an account about the peoples of India where they are in standing in question of their economic condition, education , health , share of national income and wealth by conducting caste census with socio-economic survey by which it would be revealed the exact facts and figures the achievement of the 75 years journey of the country to fulfill the goals of constitution .                                                        

That to organise a nation wide  movement based om peoples dialogue and discussion it is very much necessary to co-ordinate the peoples who are already working, thinking over this issue , on that line in the different  part  and corners of the country.                                                                              

On 12th January 2025 at Delhi, some concern citizens of civil society  in a meeting have decided to hold a national convention on 6th April 2025 at Delhi  to make in advance the movement through out the country . In this context on that meeting has also taken a decision  to form a co-ordination  team for that reason a meeting will be held at Delhi on 2nd February 2025, the venue , time of convention and January 2025 at Delhi, some concern citizens of civil society  in a meeting have decided to hold a national convention on 6th April 2025 at Delhi  to make in advance the movement through out the country . In this context on that meeting has also taken a decision  to form a co-ordination  team for that reason a meeting will be held at Delhi on 2nd February 2025, the venue , time of convention and meeting will inform you shortly . your participation is highly solicited and  you are requested to make a reply in this regard.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

    Dr. S.N. Gautam Medical Practitioner,   Mr. Kamal Kishore .Katheria IRS(Retd) Dr. Arun Kumar Maji Advocate Supreme Court of India, Mr. Jitendra Kardam Civil Engineer,  Mr. Sonjoy Kanojia Social Activist  Mr. Surendra Kumar Journalist

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